Messages from the Chalkboard – Angel Number 227 – Law of Attraction


Angel number 227, your awesome faith and positive outlook are being rewarded by the infallible Law of Attraction.

Angels Numbers 101 is copyright to Doreen Virtue 2008.

“Your awesome faith and positive outlook are being rewarded by the infallible Law of Attraction.”

Seeing the number 227 frequently made it qualify as chalkboard material. I was then reminded of this useful law of attraction quote by Esther and Jerry Hicks through the teachings of Abraham which really hits home the power of our thoughts.

“The Law of Attraction and its magnetic power reaches out into the Universe and attracts other thoughts that are vibrationally like it…and brings that to you. And so, you are getting the essence of what you are thinking about, whether it is something you want or something you do not want.”


4 thoughts on “Messages from the Chalkboard – Angel Number 227 – Law of Attraction

    • Yes. I find the whole area of messages via numbers so interesting…and useful.
      According to Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers 101, the number 11 means: “Stay positive! Your thoughts are materialising rapidly, so you want to ensure positive outcomes by focussing only on the good within yourself, others, and this situation.”
      Additionally, a number sequence like 11:11 can be broken up into a 3 digit and 1 digit of 111 and 1, those messages for you are:
      111 “This number brings you the urgent message that your thoughts are manifesting instantly, so keep your mind-set focussed upon your desires. Give any fearful thoughts to Heaven for transmutation.”
      1 “Stay positive. Everything you’re thinking about right now is coming true, so be sure that you’re only thinking about what you desire. Give any fears to God and the angels.”
      As you can see there is a common theme here – positive thinking is the key!

  1. Thanks, I’ll pass these messages on to others who repeatedly notice the time 11:11. There are quite a few of us. At times the numbers are really prevalent, other times not so much…

  2. First time I came across this awesome number was attending a festivity alone to check it out. I saw it on the back of someone’s chair in front of me, look up what it was, and moments later I met a new friend as all along I wished I could share the experience with someone.

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