Card Readings

Messages from the Oracle & Angel Cards is a category I dedicated to the card readings which I conduct for myself, friends, loved ones – and you! I select the card readings based on what has provided the most meaning for me in the belief that sharing them may offer you some counsel or advice for your life. I always believe that messages come to us at the perfect time and in whatever form which is necessary for our expansion and evolution.

Apart from wonderful words of wisdom, some cards include affirmations and meditations – they may just be what you are looking for to provide some peace, comfort, healing, direction (or all of the above).

To anyone who has read enough of the blogs, you would have gathered by now that empowerment is an important theme to me and I truly believe all of us have all the answers we ever seek inside of us. But I also acknowledge that there are times when it is useful and comforting to receive guidance from oracle and angel cards. They simply provide us with another bow to our spiritual arrow. They can serve as the next step on your path.

In 2009 I became a Certified Angel Intuitive and attended the facilitated Doreen Virtue Angel Intuitive Workshop. It was here I learned to give oracle and angel card readings.


Display of Oracle, Angel and Tarot card reading decks

Just some of the oracle and angel card decks I use to conduct readings

Apart from responding to your comments, if someone has a specific question, I can do an oracle or angel card reading on it then post as a blog. Often our questions are shared by many others so it makes sense to coordinate them in one place. Sometimes a word, a phrase, a sentence is exactly what someone needs in that moment to provide a sense of peace or propel them forward in their life.

Each week I will select one of the submitted questions and conduct a card read on it. In addition to the messages relating to each of the cards from the accompanying book, I will be tuning in and providing any additional messages that come through from Spirit.

Got a burning question…submit it now by completing the contact form.

Select a blog from The Oracle and Angel Cards category and see what grabs your attention – there just may be a message that speaks to your heart today.

A quick note on how I conduct my card readings:

Sometimes I carry out a card reading with a specific question in mind and other times cards virtually fly out of the pack while I am shuffling, indicating an urgent or significant message.

Regarding a three card spread:

  1. The first indicates the source of the issue or enquiry, sometimes referred to as the past card.
  2. The second card represents the present and current state of the situation. It provides information most helpful to you right now and where you could direct your efforts.
  3. The third card represents the immediate future and symbolises the outcome should you continue on the current path and follow the direction of the middle card.

Remember, your future can always be improved and changed by following your intuition.

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